How to find your why: a step-by-step guide

How to find your why

In this article on how to find your why, I share with you steps that will help you understand what motivates you the most in your professional and personal life.

Doing so is essential because, in the fast-paced rhythm of our modern lives, it’s common to feel disconnected from what truly matters to us.

We can find ourselves stuck in routine, losing sight of our real purpose, what makes our heart beat a little faster, and what gives meaning to our existence.

This is where the concept of “why” comes in.

The “why” is that intrinsic force that motivates us to get out of bed every morning, to pursue our aspirations despite obstacles, and to push our limits constantly.

So, how do you uncover this “why”?

This is the journey of discovery we will undertake together through this article.

Why search for your why?

The first step to finding your why is to understand the importance of this endeavor.

Several reasons may push us to search for our why.

On one hand, we can sometimes feel lost, without direction.

Yet, finding our why allows us to give meaning to our actions, to align them with what truly matters to us.

On the other hand, it is knowing your why can be an inexhaustible source of motivation.

It’s what enables us to stay determined, and not give up, even in the face of adversity. In short, our why is our inner compass, the one that guides us through the storms of life.

Finally, finding your why can help us lead a more fulfilling and authentic life.

By following our values, our passions, and our deep aspirations, we feel more aligned and more in tune with ourselves.

And this is how we manage to fully realize ourselves.

How to find your why: a step-by-step guide

Now that we understand the importance of finding our why, let’s move on to practice.

How do we concretely find our why? Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you in this quest.

Step 1: Introspection

The first step to finding your why is introspection.

Take a moment for yourself, in a quiet place, away from the distractions of daily life.

Ask yourself the right questions:

What am I passionate about?

What are my values?

What excites me?

What do I want to bring to the world?

Practical Exercise: For this step, I suggest you keep a journal for a week.

Each day, take a few minutes to note what excited you, and what sparked passion and commitment in you.

You might be surprised by what you discover!

Step 2: The Analysis

Once you have answered these questions, the next step is analysis.

Look at your answers.

Are there common points, recurring themes?

These elements can give you clues about your why.

Practical Exercise: Revisit your notes from the past week.

Try to spot trends or recurring themes.

This could help you better understand your why.

Step 3: The Formulation

Now that you have a clearer idea of what motivates you, it’s time to formulate your why.

Try to summarize it in a simple, clear, and compelling sentence.

Practical Exercise: Write a personal mission statement, a sentence that sums up your why.

For example, “My why is to help others realize their potential” or “My why is to contribute to a greener world”.

Keep this statement handy, as a reminder of what drives you.

Step 4: The Verification

Once you have formulated your why, it’s important to verify that it truly aligns with yourself.

To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

Does this why resonate with me?

Does it give me energy, and enthusiasm?

Am I ready to fight for it?

Practical Exercise: For this step, take a few days to reflect on your mission statement.

Observe your reactions, your emotions.

If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to adjust your statement.

Step 5: The Commitment

The last step is commitment. Finding your why is not an end in itself.

It’s a starting point, the beginning of a journey.

Commit to living following your why. Ensure your actions, decisions, choices are consistent with this why.

Practical Exercise: For this commitment, I propose you think of three concrete actions you can take in the coming days to live by your why.

Note them down and implement them.

Concrete examples of people who found their why

To illustrate this guide, I wish to share a few examples of famous people who found their why and how it transformed their lives.

Take the example of Malala Yousafzai.

Her why is to defend the right to education for all girls around the world.

This why guided her throughout her life, gave her the strength to fight against injustices, and even earned her the Nobel Peace Prize.

Another example is that of Steve Jobs.

His why was to revolutionize technology and make computing accessible to everyone.

This why was the engine of his success and transformed our way of communicating and working.

Conclusion on how to find your why?

Finding your why is not an easy task.

It requires introspection, honesty towards oneself, and above all, courage.

But it’s a journey worth undertaking.

Once you have found your why, you have a compass that guides you, gives meaning to your actions, and motivates you to surpass yourself.

So, don’t wait any longer, embark on the quest for your why.

Because, as Friedrich Nietzsche said: “He who has a why can endure almost any how”.

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Français Comment trouver son pourquoi : un guide étape par étape

ItalianoCome trovare il tuo perché: una guida passo dopo passo

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