How to know your strengths and weaknesses and turn them to your advantage

How to know your strengths and weaknesses and turn them to your advantage

How to know your strengths and weaknesses and turn them to your advantage

In this article, you will find out how to know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing them is extremely important for your personal and professional life to flourish. If you want to improve these aspects of your existence, you should continue reading this article.

Here are briefly my 4 tips for finding your strengths and weaknesses.

1 – Identify what is easy and difficult for you

2 – Think about what you love to do and what you hate

3 – Ask your personal and professional entourage for advice

4 – Reflect on events from your past

Before moving on to advice, I would like to point out that contrary to what the majority of people believe, focusing the majority of your energies on improving your weaknesses is not always the best strategy.

Most of the time it is better to use your physical and mental resources to improve your strengths.

This will allow you to progress more quickly in achieving your goals while boosting self-esteem and motivation.

Discover my first tip now!

1 – Identify what is easy and difficult for you

We all have natural predispositions, that is to say innate skills that allow us to perform a number of tasks much better than the majority of people in our professional and personal circle.

At the same time, we feel uncomfortable in other circumstances which we find extremely complex to carry out, while others succeed without difficulty.

Identifying what is easy for you and what is less is a great way to become aware of your innate potential and activities that are causing you difficulty.

Questioning can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some questions to help you identify them.

What is very easy for me and at the same time difficult for others?

What is difficult for me and at the same time easy for most of the people I know?

What kind of solution have I been able to find in my personal and professional life that has pleasantly surprised others?

Answering these questions will give you a first understanding of your qualities and your faults.

If you cannot identify what is easy or difficult for you, you can hire a coach.

Now that you’ve identified what’s simple and complex for you, the next step is to start with what you enjoy doing.

2 – Think what you like to do and what you hate

The purpose of this advice is above all to avoid as much as possible what you do not like at all by making room in your life for what you like to do.


Simply because identifying your strengths and weaknesses is above all a way to be happier in your private and professional life.

That said, it is very likely that among the activities that you favor, reside your strengths. While in the tasks that you do not enjoy, there are often those for which your skills are fairly below average.

In order to discover your other strengths and weaknesses, I suggest you write a list of tasks that you like to do and a list of those that you don’t like.

Next to each activity, write why it motivates you or why it demotivates you.

Then identify the skill or quality that explains your commitment or demotivation for the task in question.

You will notice that the tasks you like to perform are often linked to a strong point and the others to a weak point.

Now that you’ve highlighted the connection between your tastes and your strengths and weaknesses, the next step is to get help from your personal and professional entourage.

3 – Ask for advice from your personal and professional surroundings

In some cases, we are not always able to identify our qualities and faults on our own. It is in these cases that the benevolent opinions of others can be of great help to us.

I specify benevolent opinions, so it is essential to select with the greatest attention the people you decide to solicit.

Besides, I advise you to use this feedback to identify your qualities and not your faults.

It’s good for your motivation and for self-esteem.

Concretely, write a list of caring people at work or in your private life.

My experience has shown me that close personal or professional entourage is not always in the best position to identify points of strength.

For this, I advise you to select as many people from your immediate circle as acquaintances. This way you will be able to identify more strengths.

Once this list is written, schedule meetings with these people so that they guide you in a deeper understanding of your uniqueness.

You will be amazed at what you discover about yourself and these new revelations will help you improve the quality of your personal and professional life.

Now that you’ve created a clearer vision of your originality, the next piece of advice is to tap into your past.

4 – Think about your past events

If you have decided to apply the previous 3 tips, you are one of the few people who have taken the time to reflect deeply on their strengths and weaknesses.

But if you want to improve yourself a little more, I suggest you take a brief leap into your past.

In particular, I invite you to recall past situations in which you have been able to turn the situation to your advantage despite the difficult context.

It can be an element of your life as a student, employee, entrepreneur, mother, father, sportsperson, etc.

Now choose a specific experience and take a few minutes to mentally relive the situation. Feel the emotions of this period as if they were current.

Mentally relive the main stages of this ordeal by trying to identify the factor that allowed you to make up for the situation.

By doing this for the most important experiences from your past, you will be able to identify all of your strengths.

Conclusion on how to recognize your strengths and weaknesses

In this article, I have presented 4 tips from my personal experience to find your strengths and weaknesses.

Knowing your strengths is essential to using them as much as possible in order to boost self-esteem, be more fulfilled and more easily achieve your personal and professional goals.

Knowing your weaknesses is important to avoid risky situations and to avoid spending too much time improving on tasks you can delegate to other people.

You can improve yourself in certain tasks but I advise you not to spend too much time on them.

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Français Comment connaitre ses points forts et faibles et les tourner à son avantage

ItalianoCome conoscere i tuoi punti di forza e di debolezza per utilizzarli a tuo vantaggio

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